
Hatimu kosong?
Isikanlah hatimu itu,
Jangan biar kekosongan menyelubung dirimu,
Bahawa Dia itu sentiasa dekat,
Amat-amat dekat,
Amat amat amat dekat.

Dia tahu kamu sedang berduka,
Dia Maha Tahu betapa berat ujian yang menimpa,
Dia mendengar segala rintih jiwamu itu,
Dirimu itu milik-Nya,
Dan pada-Nya jua ada pengubat jiwamu yang lara.
Isi hatimu…
Dengan cinta-Nya,
Syukurmu atas nikmat-nikmat yang kamu peroleh tidak terhitung jumlahnya.
Pengharapan yang kamu gantung hanya pada-Nya.
Ia dapat menenangkan jiwa,
Bertawakkallah kepada-Nya
Dia punyai aturan untukmu,
Dan pastinya ia yang terbaik!
Sedang manusia itu hanya mampu bersangka-sangka…
Duhai insan,
Isi hati kecilmu itu…
Kerana sesungguhnya Dia sentiasa ada…


Maafkan Saye

awak , maafkan saya
maafkan saya sebab saya bukan seperti yang awak inginkan 
saya cuba tuk mnjadi yang trbaik ntuk awak
maafkan saya . saya ta dpat brikan hadiah dihari jadi awak
hanye ucapa tulus dari hati saya saje yang dpat sya berikan
kadang-2 saya pkir , adakah diri saya layan ntuk awak ?
awak maafkan saya ! sya trlalu pkirkan kbahagiaan awk jew
tk pnah nak pkirkan hati awak 

saya tau saya bnyak buat salah kat awak 
tapi saya nak awak tau saya bukan sengaja nak sakitkan hati awak 
saya tak boley trima awak , sebab awak orang lain punye
saya taknak jadi kawan makan kawan =(
so sye trpakse buat-2 tak suka awak 
mula-2 kita kpel , awk sllu contact sye 
walaupown kita tk prnah berjmpe ..
saya harap sangat hubungan kita kekal 
tapi ape yang sye harapkan tu skadar harapan and impian =(
awk tak macam dlu , kkadang awk smpai lpekan saye  bila awak ngn bf baru awak
saya sangat sedih =(
sayang . . kenapa awak berubah ?
awak dah tak sayang saye lagi ehh ?
tapi kenapa ? kenapa awak dah tak sayang saye ? =(
hmmm ~ awak , 
awak dgar saya kan ? 
saya nk mntak maaf kalau saya prnah buat salah pda awak .
saya mintak maaf kalau selama nie saya bnyak menyakitkan hati awak 
awak sudikan maafkan saya ?
terima kasih awak sbb prnah buat sye bahagia =)

saya harap awak izinkan sye ntuk smpn kenangan kita
sebab pas nie mesti takleh dpat kbhagiaan macam yang prnak awak bagi pde saya
saya mntak maaf kerana mengecewakan awak 
maafkan saya yee ;'(
saya harap awak akan bahagia dengn insan yang lebih layak mmbahagiakan awak



ask anybody about anything.
So often when
we say "I love you" 
we say it with a huge "I"
and a small "You."
So many times 
I thought I would never
find someone to love me
the way I needed to be loved. 
Then you came into my life 
and showed me 
what true love really is!
No matter how many times
I tell you she'll break you heart, 
or how many times she does it, 
you'll never give up, 
Why you ask?...
because you love her.
You know that 
when I hate you,
it is because I love you 
to a point of passion
that unhinges my soul.
Fear less, 
hope more, 
eat less, 
chew more,
whine less, 
breathe more,
talk less, 
say more, 
love more,
and all good things 
will be yours.
People so seldom say 
I love you 
And then it's either 
too late or love goes. 
So when I tell you
I love you,
It doesn't mean 
I know you'll never go,
Only that I wish
you didn't have to.


  baby i love you , love you , love you so much and i miss you , miss you when you're gone . baby i need you , need you , need you so much since i found out love is you :)
you are beautiful , beautiful , beautiful . kamu chantek , chantek dari hatimu :)

Never never want you , Really really love you , Really really love you never never leave you
cinta temani suka dan duka . cinta bawaku bahagia , dari sekian juta keindahan dunia , dimata hatiku mata hatiku . hanye kaulah yang aku cinta

Everytime you miss me you need me
Remember me
I will come to you i promise you i love you

Everytime you miss me you need me
Call me call me
I will come to you i promise you
I'll be there for you

Listen to all of this glass shatter
It pierced my ears and made them bleed
Now it sounds so beautiful, cause your beautiful your beautiful


Day turns to night as I rise from my grave
Black was the hole were I laid
Stalking the city to seek out your blond
I love when it showers from my blade
Your body is so pretty but how will it look
When my perverted lust is stilled
No one to save you no parents or friends
Because they've already got killed

My only aim is to take many lives
The more the better I feel
My only pleasure is to hear many cries from those tortured
by my steel
The colour of your blood from your open body
Is all I wanted to see
Tasting the blood from your lips as you die means
satisfaction to me

Pleasure to kill

Hear my heartbeat as you see me upon you
Tears in your eyes I do not care
Listen now to the motor of my chainsaw
Open your eyes don't be scared
Look into my eyes do you see any love?
The only thing is agony
Now I can't wait to give you the good pain
Die now and be free

Now that my mission is done
Your body forgotten has been killed
I return to the cemetery
And my bloodlust is stilled
My coffin is open for me
I lay down and rest
Nothing will set me free
And so I kill until excess


"O soft embalmer of ye still midnight,
Allow me thee to adown,
Of any sort thou fancieth;
Each holdeth its own fancy, I say -
Yet the pleasure we partake in
Was caus'd by the fang'd grin,
Save!, do I for him anger hold?
Nay - I knew I was fey!"
"Had I what it taketh I would do;
I sense - I cannot sense,
I am - yet! I am not -
Once I kiss'd the image
Of the Seven Angels of Death..."
"Yet as thou so didst,
On my lips a kiss landéd,
And with the shadows blendéd
The tendermost silken mourn;
In which the light hidden is -
Yon Hell's brazen doors
Wrothfully it trieth to push."
"Then, lo! the Black Death,
Serpent-like 'twixt the breasts crept;
Hush'd with a gasp of life's breath,
"Hush'd with a gasp of life's breath,
Together red tears they wept,
Together red tears we wept - in vain,
And pass'd the procession of dancers dead -
As in darkness were we lock'd in wed
I kiss'd the Seven Angels of Death."
"And Hell open'd its doors,
Yet what was 'fore my eyes
But if not the brightest light."


mereka hairan kenapa kita masih bersama . 
kata mereka , saya layak untuk dapat yang 
jaoh lebih baik dari awak .

dan tiap kali itu gak , saya hanye tersenyum 

mungkin awak tak secantik perempuan lain .

kadang-kadang awak kasar .

kadang-kadang , angin baran awak datang tak kita masa .

adakalanya , pening kepala melayan 
awak yang keras kepala .
tapi apa pown .

sekasar mana pown awak . bila tengok 
cite korea , awak menangis gak .

biar pown awak tak cantik mana , awak tak
pernah pertikaikan rupa saya . kata awak ,
saya lah lelaki paling hensem dalam dunia .

biar pown adakalanye awak degil tak dngar 
kata , tapi sayangnye awak ke saya ,
saya sorang boley rasa .

memang kadang-kadang baran awak 
tak menentu . tetapi manja awak tetap ada =)

buat apa dcerita bahgia yang kita rasa ?
biar apa kata mereka , peduli orang kata .
saya lagi kenal sayang saya :)

fiqa ...
ingat tak dulu masa mula-2 kita kenal ?
walau pown saya tak pernah tgok rupa awak , 
tapi saya boley rasa yang awak baik sangat .
awak care sangat dengan saye .
saya ingat lagi . masa mula-2 saya kpel ngan awak .
masa tu awak baru ptus ngan pakwe awak . awak kate .
awak nak orang yang setia ..
awal-2 kita bersama dulu . saya rasa happy sangat 
awak . macam-2 awak buat ntuk saya . awak kata . awak
tanak kehilangn saya .
yang awak hanye nak dekat saya . awak hnye sayangkan
saya . walau apa pown yang trjadi . awak takkan pernah
bosan dengan saya .
saya tanak awak jadi macam prempuan lain . saya 
tanak awak rosak dengan dunia nie suma .
saya harap awak tau yang saya . tetap sayangkan awak <3